Bruguiera Lamk
Tree, upto 20 m height
3-Flowers in each group
Petals white
Calyx tube smooth
Lobes equal to tube, completely reflexed
in fruit
Petals 3 - 4 mm long
Medium tree,
Leaves elliptic oblong
Mature calyx-tube not distinctly ribbed
Flowers solitary, 3-4 cm long
Petioles, midribs, pedicels and flowers
reddish or scarlet
Each petal lobe with 1-4 apical
bristles exceeding the lobe apices
Medium tree upto 15 m height
Flowers usually small, 1.2 cm long or
Calyx lobes slender, short upto 3 mm,
reflexed in fruits
Petals 1.5 - 2.0 mm long yellowish
Small tree, yellowish distinct mid-vein
Leaves elliptic oblong
Petal lobe tip blunt; without filamentous
Petioles, midribs, pedicels and flowers
Mature calyxtube distinctly ribbed
Each petal lobe with 0-2 apical bristles
not exceeding the lobe apices